European representatives visit examples of sustainable construction in the city


Following the Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) initiative and the Mayors Business Forum, which took place in June at Palácio da Bolsa, another activity took place in which the Municipality had the opportunity to make known two areas of the city that stand out for sustainable construction.

The Sector Path Field Visit (SPFV), an initiative within the scope of the ICC, brought together around 30 Mayors and representatives from 12 European cities who, over the course of a day, were able to visit some of the projects that are shaping two prominent areas of the city (Campanhã and Asprela). Both stand out for their sustainable construction practices, their use of cutting-edge technology and their adoption of green infrastructure.

During the activity, the Mayors and European representatives visited the Escola Básica do Falcão school, the Parque Alameda de Cartes park, the Campanhã Intermodal Terminal and the Asprela Central Park.

The Executive’s investment in two areas

There was also time for the participants to learn about the work that UPTEC has been doing in terms of developing bridges between the University of Porto and the corporate world, especially regarding startups. The group also visited the exhibition ‘A City Inspired By Nature’, developed by the Porto City Council.

At each location in the city, the group had the opportunity to see from up close major highlights in terms of innovation, decarbonisation, energy performance and savings, among others, through the voices of those directly involved.

The Deputy Mayor of Porto, Filipe Araújo, explained that in recent years the City Council has invested in the Campanhã and Asprela areas, as part of a necessary commitment to building a city geared towards development, but without compromising sustainability or the quality of life of its citizens.

He also emphasised that the Municipality’s priority is to align itself with European guidelines and the strategy defined among peers, respecting the ongoing work done within the Intelligent Cities Challenge network, of which Porto has been a mentor city since its creation.