Climate action

In order to improve the quality and sustainability of life, and to be a more sustainable organisation, APCER has adopted measures aimed at reducing the impact of its activities on the environment, such as the implementation of a sustainable procurement policy, preferably using products from sustainable sources and local suppliers; the promotion of working from home, reducing the number of trips and consequent emission of pollutants; allocation of auditors and trainers residing in areas close to the place of service provision, reducing their carbon footprint, and adopting good practices in the use of natural resources and waste management.


At APCER, we work every day to improve the environmental performance of organisations and recognise those that make every effort to mitigate the impact of their activities on the environment. We believe that the Porto Climate Pact will allow us to raise awareness regarding the challenges we have to face, promoting knowledge sharing and encouraging companies and organisations to rethink their business and governance models, as well as to innovate their processes, always with the mindset of contributing to a more sustainable society.

José Leitão