Climate action

Climate change is an issue that should concern us all. As such, Boavista Futebol Clube will not stand idly by in this fight that belongs to us all. We strive, within our means, for a better future of our planet – home to all of us – to take steps to protect the environment. In our little house – Bessa Stadium:

  • We reduce energy consumption by having switched all indoor lighting to more efficient light bulbs. In the near future, we will do the same with the stadium’s outdoor lighting;
  • We are looking for a partner to take advantage of the stadium’s roof with solar energy;
  • We use groundwater table and, with controlled watering, we significantly reduce water consumption;
  • We look for more efficient ways to air condition the building;
  • We encourage the separation of waste;
  • We encourage the use of waste (such as lawn mowing) in conjunction with the maintenance company.  


“Now and in the future, we only want our flag and our jerseys to be black and white. For our city and for our planet, Green is our ambition.”

Vítor Murta
President, Board of Directors. 2022