ESTEL - Vocational School of Technology and Electronics

Climate action


The existence of a climate pact that encompasses several entities is the best attitude to raise awareness and understanding that there is only one Earth.

Clean Earth is a Planet with a future!

ESTEL – Vocational School of Technology and Electronics in addition to the actions to promote Recycling, Reusing, and Reducing, proposes, for the school community, the carrying out of awareness-raising campaigns on the issue of “e-waste”- a costly topic for our school.

  1. What is e-waste?
  2. Circular economy
  3. What does the Climate Law (Decree-Law No. 152-D/2017) say?


It also proposes the carrying out of a survey with the classification of the type of e-waste that each element of the school community has at home.

Fernando Gonçalves
Principal, 2022