JP. Sá Couto

Climate action

Earth is the only home we have, so our mission must be to protect it. Furthermore, we must remember that we are all responsible for the fate of our home! JP Sá Couto believes that we have influence when it comes to contributing to the sustainability of our Planet.

JP Sá Couto has been implementing various initiatives to fight climate change since 2017. The oldest initiatives are the recycling of waste (paper and plastic) that we produce, so, as part of the employee welcome initiative, the welcome kit includes an aluminium water bottle and a reusable coffee cup, as well as the implementation of awareness-raising initiatives for employees regarding the importance of saving energy for a more sustainable Planet – “Lights Off; Nature On”.

In order to further help the planet, JP Sá Couto has been using paper hand towels and toilet paper made from recycled cardboard packaging since July 2020. These initiatives have already prevented the emission of over 880 kg of CO2.

The electricity used on the premises has come from renewable sources since 2021, bringing several advantages, as it does not pollute the atmosphere and the soil, while also using sources that are not depleted. Eight vehicles in the company’s fleet have been replaced by hybrid models, a more sustainable option to reduce harmful emissions and noise pollution. Solar panels were also installed on the roof of the head office, allowing for the reduction of energy costs, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. 35% of the energy used in JP Sá Couto comes from these panels.

Consumers are increasingly attentive to information on the sustainability of the products they buy, and so the role of companies becomes more relevant. As such, JP Sá Couto’s equipment, since January 2022, has used packaging certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, made of materials from sustainably grown forests and recyclable plastic.

Finally, in September 2022, our partner Electrão promoted a campaign to collect used batteries and electrical equipment to support the IPO – Instituto Português de Oncologia, in order not only to protect the environment, but also to give new life to electrical equipment and batteries, as well as contribute to a humanitarian mission.

After the development and implementation of the initiatives mentioned above, as well as others, JP Sá Couto obtained the Environmental Certification – ISO 14001:2015 in June 2021.


I am pleased to confirm that JP Sá Couto reaffirms its support for the seventeen Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment, and Anti-Corruption.

Our commitment to the Climate Pact means that every day we will take care to look closely at our actions so as to continuously improve the integration of this Pact into our principles, our business strategy, culture, and daily operations. We also commit to sharing this information with our stakeholders through our main communication channels

Jorge Sá Couto

Chairman of JP Sá Couto