
Climate action

Portgás sees itself as an active agent in the development of business strategies that support the transition to a more sustainable energy system. The study of the incorporation of renewable and low-carbon gases, the reduction of methane emissions, and the investment in purpose-driven and sustainable technology to optimise operations are some of Portgás’ current challenges in the context of the decarbonisation and digitalisation of assets.

Sustainability and innovation, fully integrated with the community in which it is inserted, are guidelines of Portgás’ strategy. As a network operator committed to ensuring an adequate transformation of gas networks compatible with the 2050 carbon neutrality goals, Portgás has been developing its R&D and Innovation projects with focus on partnerships, specifically with municipalities, energy agencies, academic institutions, and technological partners. Projects with the following partners are highlighted: Águas e Energia do Porto (biomethane); INEGI (hydrogen injection in the gas distribution network); INESC (incorporation of renewable gases in the gas distribution network); Lipor (biomethane).


The municipalities within the Portgás supply area have accepted the role of relevant agents in the energy transition as an essential part of the creation of more sustainable cities. The municipality of Porto is an excellent example of this. For Portgás, it is a commitment and an honour to subscribe to the Porto Climate Pact.

Nuno Fitas Mendes
Managing Director, 2022