Porto Editora

Climate action

The Porto Editora Group has implemented, in all its production and business units, several measures for the efficient use of resources, waste treatment, and the furthering of carbon neutrality. These are pillars of action that we consider priorities for the effective fighting of the effects of climate change and building a more sustainable future.

The use of renewable energy allows us to produce around 18 % of the total annual electricity consumption and to prevent the emission into the atmosphere of around 344 tonnes of CO2 per year. At the same time, the energy efficiency of buildings allows us to further reduce our carbon footprint. We also further the efficient use of water and the fight against waste through awareness-raising campaigns and measures implemented in the entire Group. Rigorous treatment of the waste that comes from the printing process is another priority, with special attention to paper recycling and the proper routing of other production materials. The group’s graphic unit has been environmentally certified for over a decade.

Furthermore, as a major player in the Education sector, the Porto Editora Group promotes campaigns to raise awareness of educational communities towards environmental issues, with frequent reference in school and children’s books to issues related to the fight against climate change and the defence of goals for sustainable growth defined by the United Nations. 


The Porto Editora Group joins and commits to the Porto Climate Pact, seeing it as another essential pillar in its mission of social and corporate responsibility for a better future for all.

Vasco Teixeira
Manager, May 2022