OA SRN – Secção Regional do Norte da Ordem dos Arquitectos (Association of Licensed Architects – Northern Regional Section)

Climate action

Within the scope of OASRN, it is pivotal to create links with various institutional partners, thereby allowing for the involvement of architects and their Association, the furthering of sustainability values of the planet, the energy transition of society, and the decarbonisation of the economy. As such, it has organised and participated in events focused on these themes, seeking to stimulate a broader culture of knowledge, involving different territories and know-how.


Understanding the importance of the goals to be reached, OASRN is strongly committed to being a catalyst for positive change, and so accepts its commitment to society, but also to its members, by signing this pact.

Conceição Melo, architect
Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Association of Licensed Architects – Northern Regional Section, 2022