Climate action

BIAL’s commitment to the Environment started back in 2001, when it certified its Environmental Management System. Of all the actions carried out over the years, we highlight our adherence to and compliance with the principles of the Global Compact, the definition of a recyclable waste target of 70% – achieved in 2021 -, the installation of photovoltaic panels, electricity from renewable sources, the transition of the fleet to electric/hybrid vehicles, and the provision of a growing number of charging stations at our facilities. BIAL’s mission is to find, develop, and provide therapeutic solutions in the health area, and we want to fulfil the mission without compromising future generations. 


The signing of the Porto Climate Pact reflects our commitment to climate change: the incorporation of sustainability and the protection of the Environment in the management of our business and operations. There is an urgent need for collective and transformative action to protect the planet and to leave a better world for future generations. We are all called to do our part.

António Portela
CEO, 2022